Monday, March 7, 2011

Shore Leave

So, it was the birthday of a friend of mine last week, and I totally forgot.  So, naturally we had to go hang out last weekend to make it all better.  I gave him a cake that I got for free at the farmers market (my friend present at the time) to make amends.  That wasn't quite good enough, so I ended up cruising all the way to Park City to quell his disappointment (on his dime as well).  Ate some good food while we were there, and possibly ingested some 'special' brownies (unintentionally).  Didn't quite pan out the way I planned, but enjoyable nonetheless.  So, on that note, happy late B-day buddy!  Though I'm sure his internal dialogue is screaming, "I'm not your buddy, friend!' as he's reading this.

I can safely say that's how my whole weekend went in general.  Spontaneous, in an interestingly fun kind of way.  The only way it could have gotten better, is if I had gone to that Venezuelan drug lord's dance party to salsa the night away.  Oh well, I guess a Libyan revolution will have to do.  SAS are not invited, apparently.

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