Friday, November 26, 2010

The Friendface Blues

Ugh. A few days ago, I did the very thing I wanted to avoid doing for the longest time.  I joined facebook.  I hate that petri-dish of friendship and I really don't like most people in general.  I only joined it  You know what?  I'm keeping that one to myself.  Anyways, back to the point.  I joined it under a pseudonym because there's just a cornucopia of people on there that would just love nothing more than to find me and ensure that a twisted, corrupt form of street justice is exacted upon my hide.  Non-judicial punishment aside, I was hoping to keep my number of bacteria-ridden "friends" on there to less than maybe a baker's dozen of my most trusted family members and acquaintances.  But alas, I am not even on there for more than two days when the very people I want to avoid on there (as in anyone else) know that I now have an account.  Awesome. I thought about deleting the thing entirely, but that may be excessive.  I'll just try to avoid going on there too often.

Well, in order to cheer myself and this post up, I think it's time for some good music. I like to blast this song at levels of volume just shy of dis-respectful.

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