Thursday, September 30, 2021

My wife is too smart for my own good

 Back when we were dating, my wife and I were discussing some fun weekend road trips we can do together, and when one town (that shall remain nameless) was mentioned and I responded with, 

"Nah, I can't go there. Too many people actually want me dead in that town."

To which my wife responded, "Really? What's her name?"

I was completely at a loss for words, because dangit, she was right!

I know taste is subjective, but...

Kind of a neat folding mechanism, so I had to get it. 

Because I am a sucker for cool knives, I recently bought a folding "paratrooper knife" for kicks and giggles. However, the particular type of knife I got was EXTREMELY hard to find.  Why you ask? Because it seems that it's extremely rare to find a version of the knife that doesn't have a huge freaking swastika emblazoned on the side of the damn thing!

Now, being someone who hates nazis, be they traditional, neo, Illinois, or any other kind, this confuses me. Why the hell would you want a new build ANYTHING with a mother effing swastika on it!? 

'Nuff said

Now, don't get me wrong, here. Although it doesn't interest me at all, I would still be understanding of other people who have a penchant for collecting various WW2 historical items, like knives, helmets, uniforms, etc, even if it is nazi in origin. I would also be totally understanding of people who cannot afford to do so and prefer to buy reproductions of historical items, be it for reenactments, collecting, or any other amusement. 

What I don't understand is buying something that did not even exist in 30s or 40s and then slapping a big 'ol I "I hate teh Jews" label on it. Hell, from what I understand these knives weren't even invented till the 60s or 70s. I mean, I'm at a loss for words and just I don't get it. I don't think I ever will. 

Wednesday, September 29, 2021

My own memeology

I can't help but want to share some of my prouder moments of wit. I am often teased by my family and friends for my gun knowledge and it's sometimes pretty funny. 

Image courtesy of

My brother in law recently bought a Beretta 92X and was pretty happy with his purchase.  My family and I were watching a movie (sadly, I forget which one) but when a gun came on the screen my wife immediately asked, "Hey what gun is that?" and I immediately respond with "A Beretta 92FS". At which point she asked "Isn't that the same as my brother's gun?" to which I quipped, "It's an older model, but it checks out." Got a number of family laughing with that one. 

Thursday, September 23, 2021

I live in interesting times

The old Chinese curse rings quite true, as it seems we are all witnesses to an unending assault of interesting (or obnoxious) events.  When I left this blog last, it was the end of 2014 and the world was abuzz with news of cool scientists landing probes on comets, but people caring more about said scientist's sexist fashion sense (made by a female friend, btw).  Rioting racists bashing stores owned by innocent people in the name of justice for someone who died because he assaulted a police officer (that one aged well!), and worthless people trying to "break the internet".   

All in all, there was an odd assortment of things going on back then, but I would gladly trade all the infinitely more insidious and idiotic crap going on in the world now for those quaint times again. 

Perhaps I am a little too hasty, despite the world accelerating it's hand basket speed to hell, I can't help but love my life so much more than ever before. In my absence here, I've since been married to the world's most wonderful woman, I have adopted two sweet dogs, my wife managed to find a cat I don't hate that we took in as well, my brother came home from the Philippines and he up and got married himself. Also might be able to get to buying our own house soon as well. 

Not much else to say at the moment, but stay tuned folks, more may be to follow.  Life just goes so fast, I doubt a recap of anything else may be worthwhile, so I think some music is in order: