Thursday, March 17, 2011

It's St. Booze day! mean...whatever...

Yep.  It happened.  It happens to me every single year.  Someone asks me if I'm wearing green, then I get pinched.  Every year I take the pinch.  The problem is, every time this happens, I DO have something green on me, I just ain't willing to show it to people.  Maybe I'm finally starting to understand this whole "socially acceptable actions" stuff.  Because it probably wouldn't have gone over well at all to show my green item at work:

Some of my coworkers would freak.  Others would be green with envy.  Probably because that's a restricted item at my workplace.  Yeah, I celebrate St. Paddy's day; in my own way.

So, on that note, enjoy your Christian holiday, founded by pagan Christians who thought their original pagan Christianity was too Christian even though it's really just pagan.  Happy St. Patrick's day! Now, to get to the real reason for the holiday, to binge on corned beef!

1 comment:

  1. Christian pagan christian. No, pagan christian pagan. Too funny!
