Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Working conversations

There's a person that I really aint too fond of.  Let's just call her Cheryl.  I try to avoid conversing with people I don't like, and when I'm unable to, I attempt to be as polite as possible.  But she annoys me to the point that I've told her blatantly that I don't like talking to her, but she keeps pestering me anyways every now and again.  It wouldn't be too bad if it was the normal small talk one engages in, but she's always gotta be gossiping or just gabbing about how she hates certain people.

Last week she decided to approach me and she asks me a question, "Hey, what do you do when someone is being a total b*tch to you?"
I respond, "Uh, I guess that depends"
She follows up with, "So, what did you do the last time someone was like that to you?"
I remark, "Well, the last time that happened, I just straight up told you: Cheryl, stop being a b*tch"

I don't think she'll be bugging me for a while.

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