Friday, March 1, 2013

and another one comes

Heralding the new month over here is that we have a new guy starting in IT on Monday.  It's been pretty exhausting for everyone that's been doing the interviews to even find someone who knows what they are talking about.  But alas, we finally find someone who seems qualified  and now is the ultimate test to see if he throws off our collective groove.  All I have to say, is the guy better enjoy guns, cause that makes up a good portion of office conversation for us.

Speaking of which, I spent a few bucks on a couple new CZ-75 magazines to use with the Jerichos, and I'm eager to see if I'll be needing to make any modifications to them to get them to work properly.  There's endless forums on the subject with many people giving differing reports and opinions on the matter, but the way this market is, I thought getting two new mags for any gun would be a worthwhile investment regardless if they work with mine or not.  The only problem being that they're restricting customers to being able to buy only two, which is kinda lame.

Though I wonder if I should be a bit more frugal with my purchases, because I'm still itching for a good rifle, which is something I haven't owned in a good long while, and that's just inexcusable.

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