Saturday, January 29, 2011

Supreme ambivalence

Today started off so well.  It was a slow day at work, I went shooting with some friends, planned to go shooting some more with some others later, but then the day kinda turned to crap.  The first bit to go wrong was my fault.  In all the excitement of getting ready to go, I forgot to call a friend to let him know we were going, so we were one short in our little excursion.  It really makes me feel like a prick when that happens. 

Then, right after shooting, I get a call from my mom saying that the dog died.  A saddening thing, especially because it was the best dog we'd had in a while.  Then, to top everything off, I'm completely blown off by the other people that I wanted to go shooting with (karma I guess).  So that's my day in a nutshell.  I suppose once I get the video and pics, I'll post an after-action report about the shooting, but not right now.

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