Wednesday, January 26, 2011

To those I know and love

Yes, sometimes I may complain about being single, but don't get me wrong.  I'm still enjoying it for the most part, so please, for the love of everything holy, I do not want to be set up with your sister, your wife's friend, your cousin, or your cousin's mentally retarded friend.  Hearing things like that only make me wish I could forcefully and artificially ventilate you via lead poisoning.  Thank you.

Now, on a similar note, I was talking to an acquaintance of mine earlier about how he has some trouble with a girl that's crazy about him, but that he's not really into.  I never thought this girl was bad at all, but apparently he's bugged by it.  I've had similar situations, but that doesn't stop me from giving him crap about it.  He simply looked at me today and asked, "Why me?"
I reply, "Because, you've just won the involuntary lottery!"
Thankfully, he thought it was funny too.

Who knew so may life lessons were taught by Looney Tunes?

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