Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Life is wasted on the living

It's like a catch 22.  The less I do, the less I can actually write about that's worth posting on here.  On the other hand, the more I do, the less actual time I have to write anything at all.  A fun conundrum.

So, what am I doing then?  Well, Saturday saw me going to Buffalo Wild Wings to watch UFC with the whole IT crew, which was loads of fun, and even some great fights to boot.  Even though we got some of the worst service I've ever had from a waiter.

Also had an all day Cowboy Bebop marathon with J, as he hasn't seen it before, and we almost watched the entire series in a day.  The more I watch both Bebop and Firefly, I can't help but realize Joss Whedon is lying his ass off when he says he's never seen Bebop until after making Firefly.  Come on, Joss.  The jig is up. Just admit it: Firefly is totally a live action adaptation of Bebop, but with a few different characters.  Nobody is gonna think less of you for it.  Well, except for not keeping the soundtrack.  Let's face it, everyone's gonna think Bebop's soundtrack is far better.

That, and even though I rarely wear t-shirts anymore, I just had to buy me a Spike Speigel T shirt I saw on http://www.riptapparel.com/  (Thanks, Mary!)

Also managed to stop by the bookstore during the weekend and got myself a nice little treat:
This is totally the guy equivalent of romance novels.  I just sit and fantasize of having that job.  Double super secret bonus points if you guess the reference in the post title without using google.

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