Monday, May 27, 2013

Observing the day

For it is of utmost importance.  Went to take the rest of my blood to see the HAFB Museum again and check out all the new exhibits.  This one in particular caught my eye:

Holy Yeager's face on fire, batman!
Also there were the standard exhibits that are regularly visited whenever I go there, such as the B-25:
I'll always think of King Nine 
And one of my favorite century series fighters, the F-105D:
I love those Thuds, even though they're so fast they can only manage blurry pics, even when standing still.
So, yeah spent hours there again, just talking people's ears off.  I may have offended a few other ears in the process, as I love pointing out the superiority of navair.  Also, I don't care if it's an Air Force Museum, they still need a Tomcat.  Fly Navy!

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