So, being the sad, and very poor gun-nut that I am, I regularly browse the selection of stuff scattered across for anything that interests me. Lo and behold, yesterday I stumbled upon the holy trinity of Gunbroker listings. First in this trifecta of awesome, was the rarest of all the rare .50 cals:
Yeah, that's right. A bullpup M82. I knew these things existed, but I've never seen or even heard of one for sale, or even being on the civilian market for that matter. Check out that cool sabot round he's got with it as well.
As amazing as that is, I don't think it holds a candle to the next thing I saw: A .45 ACP MP5! Yeah. You read that correctly. Let those words seep in to give you the full mind explosion. The listing isn't clear on what feeds this thing, because I'm really curious as to what kind of mags it takes. I wouldn't be surprised if it was M3 grease gun mags that were modified, or something like that.
The best part is that it's a registered sear full auto submachine gun as well! |
Here's a closeup of the markings in case you don't believe me.
Last but nowhere near least is the ultimate in off road vehicular manslaughter (eat your heart out, Ford Earthf**ker!). It's like having your own little piece of Red Dawn.
So somebody please, go out and buy these, so I'm not tempted to take out a back ally style mafia loan for these, or something like that.
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