Kind of a neat folding mechanism, so I had to get it. |
Because I am a sucker for cool knives, I recently bought a folding "paratrooper knife" for kicks and giggles. However, the particular type of knife I got was EXTREMELY hard to find. Why you ask? Because it seems that it's extremely rare to find a version of the knife that doesn't have a huge freaking swastika emblazoned on the side of the damn thing!
Now, being someone who hates nazis, be they traditional, neo, Illinois, or any other kind, this confuses me. Why the hell would you want a new build ANYTHING with a mother effing swastika on it!?
'Nuff said |
Now, don't get me wrong, here. Although it doesn't interest me at all, I would still be understanding of other people who have a penchant for collecting various WW2 historical items, like knives, helmets, uniforms, etc, even if it is nazi in origin. I would also be totally understanding of people who cannot afford to do so and prefer to buy reproductions of historical items, be it for reenactments, collecting, or any other amusement.
What I don't understand is buying something that did not even exist in 30s or 40s and then slapping a big 'ol I "I hate teh Jews" label on it. Hell, from what I understand these knives weren't even invented till the 60s or 70s. I mean, I'm at a loss for words and just I don't get it. I don't think I ever will.