The government is no longer by or for the people anymore. Now, I'm all for downsizing government, but every time they do it, they always cut the only bits I'm willing to pay taxes for. Like the recent news that the Air Force will no longer be flying demonstrations by The Thunderbirds any longer.
Yeah, screw the people who paid for this stuff, because that's always a smart move. |
Like I've already said, I'm all for shrinking government, but the one thing I'm willing to pay even exorbitant amounts of money for, is the defense of our nation. More specifically, to maintain the readiness and training standard that so many have sacrificed to maintain and that history has proven valid time and time again. Large budget weapon systems often give us an edge, but far more important is the training of our forces, and the relationship they have with the public, that their most valued resource (the people) is not lost in the future. Public relations is what ensures that
What I find funny is that despite this "sequestration", some of the big-budget weapon systems (like the bull-crap money hole that is the F-35) are still being developed, but then all the training budgets have been slashed, making those same systems near-worthless in both the short and long term.
Worthwhile technologies squandered on a completely worthless airframe. |
Here's an idea, why not cut the budget for the President's bi-monthly vacations that are often spent on the taxpayer's dime (and often cost more than some military training missions)? Or, how about cutting the insanely bloated paychecks our congressmen are getting? Or, better yet, actually place better oversight on procurement programs (see the recent boondoggles that are the tanker and light strike aircraft), and axe all the stupid worthless fluff like the TSA, ATF, the Border Patrol (something the military should be doing anyways), that POS healthcare bill that no one apparently read before passing, and crap like the federally funded studies by collage students that look at why men like boobs (cause we don't need a study done to know the answer to that one).
So, in short, eff you congress, the house, and the president. While you give lip service to us about sacrifice, you still sit on exorbitant paychecks, and squander
our money on programs nobody wants. I hope you feel the consequences of your actions, and that you are not only left with no one to support you, but that you may feel nothing but hated and reviled for the rest of your lives. Being spat upon should be nicest gesture anyone extends to you.
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