So last night while eating dinner, I was looking over Tam and Roberta's posts about their outing to the zoo. Which caused me to start reading all sorts of wiki articles about the various species of sea lions and seals, which whenever I see them in person, I just cant help but think they sit, move and overall behave like large sea-fairing dogs with flippers instead of paws. What cute little carnivores they are!
Just look at that smug face. You can totally tell that this one thinks he looks mother effing majestic, and well, he's right. |
That in turn, caused me to start looking up more about dogs, which naturally makes me look for large breed dogs. Then, after a cursory Google search, I stumble across one of the coolest breeds I've never heard of before: The American Alsatian. Also identified by it's unofficial name, the Dire Wolf. Wow, now that's a cool canine. Check out
the breeding program's website, which is far more nerdy than initially thought, as their long term goal is that they intend to replicate the prehistoric ancestor to today's dogs and wolves (the Dire Wolf) to allow scientists to better study the type. For Science!
Dang! That's one cool looking dog. |
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