Saturday, February 5, 2022

UMs: Murder/Unexplained Death part 1

Due to the popularity of the last post I did on the r/UnresolvedMysteries subreddit, I figure I'll do a reoccurring post on Saturdays for the next few months on similar topics. I'll likely post on about a half-dozen or less cases grouped by topic until I run out of all of the ones that I find interesting, with some being sourced from Wikipedia as well. 

Speaking of which, this week's topic will be unsolved murders/unexplained deaths, which is the topic I generally find the least interesting, but because of all the true crime nuts out there, this one will probably reoccur the most out of sheer numbers of cases available. So, here's a selection of some of the ones I found actually intriguing to read. Again, you'll have to put on the rockin version of the UM theme tune, put it on repeat, and get to reading 'em:

The Hinterkaifeck murders. If you know about it, you're already getting chills. If not, well, read on.

The Box Lady of Benton County. Supposedly dropped from a helicopter no less. Pinochet was unavailable for comment.

A random redditor claims to have killed a childhood friend, and another redditor finds evidence to support it might be true.

Kent State is well known, but was it really the result of the FBI effing up and instigating (yet again)?

North Korean purges. Need I say more? Sadly, the hermit kingdom is full of these stories and we may never know even after the country eventually dissolves.

High altitude suicides. A well known fact that it is true, but scientists still don't know why.

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