Saturday, July 9, 2022

UMs: Miscellaneous non-murder stuff - Part 2

So, we have more goodness to peruse from the r/nonmurdermysteries subreddit which have been pretty interesting in my mind, and one of the better subreddits out there. So slap on that rockin' theme song again and read on:

There is a famous gravestone in the Salt Lake cemetery (even my grandmother is buried there), one that has puzzled many people for ages as it is inscribed that the deceased was a "victim of the beast 666" Here's a good write up that solves the mystery.

Okay, people. This one is straight up David Cronenberg weird. The Richmond TV fairy: A man dressed up as a TV who leaves old TVs on people's doorsteps. Yeah. Weird.

A random Redditor's experience with a stranger that was simply trying to get rid of cash. Why can I have this kind of encounter?

Did a rural Portuguese college professor find proof of extraterrestrials in the 50s? A long, but interesting write up:

I wrote about the Vietnamese war apes before, but here's a good write up that says there's good evidence it may be a fraud:

A short youtube video doc about an old reddit mystery called the "Box of Crazy" full of UFO and other oddities that was found by a random redditor.

The Cold War had a lot of unlikely partnerships and hair-brained schemes, but this one is pretty crazy. The CIA and Indian intelligence services make nuclear powered sensors to track China, but then they go missing.

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