Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Aviation intelligence

Ended up going in to work about an hour and a half early to accomplish some extra work that needed to be done, so I'm pretty burned out as far as thinking power goes.  To some up my day, there are only two assured scenarios for people working in the systems portion of IT that play out almost every day:

1.  You have a time-consuming, but semi-routine project you expect to complete in a couple hours.  Upon the start of the job you notice far more problems than the initial issue that need to be resolved to complete the project, and it ends up taking up almost the entire day.

2.  You get a ticket that describes what you expect to be a serious issue that may take hours to fix, but upon further investigation, it's just because somebody left something unplugged, turned off, or screwed up a simple setting.

Now that I've got that off my chest, how about I just post something that's both massively easy and nerdy (now that's a phrase).

I love reading things that provide deep insights and critical thinking regarding DoD/Military spending and programs; along with the social, economic, technical limitations, and political implications of said programs.  Especially when in relation to military aviation.  It also gives me an excuse to post military aviation porn like this:

So, here's a list of my favorite sites/blogs that do exactly that.

The honorable mentions: -long dead but still interesting if you haven't read  -not really defense related at all, but still a great read. -another dead website but very fascinating

The very dubious mention: -Why dubious?  Well, I've noticed on more than a few occasions that although wired often runs stories on fascinating topics, they are not always accurate in their research (especially with very politically hot topics), or they are just blatantly biased to a negative point of view regardless of the topic.

So, if you're as nerdy as I am about milair, go read, enjoy, and think.  And I'll wrap this thing up with more airplane porn.

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