Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Fresh out of that market

Well, last night I came to the knowledge that the Fresh Market next door is actually closing it's doors soon.  I was kinda surprised at finding out just what a loyal customer I was.  They had much better selection of products, higher quality products, better service, and was usually cheaper than the Smith's that is across the street.  I'm gonna miss having a nice store right next door, that has the really  nice lady with the Minnesota accent working the checkout counter. 

Now I'm gonna be forced to be less lazy and go to the Dicks' Marketplace a few block away rather than the convenient Fresh market next door.  Drats.  On the bright side, their death knell is definitely the sale of the century.  I can probably get enough food to last me a whole month for super cheap.

On an unrealted note, I already have read the greatest post I will read in some time over at Jennifer's place.  That woman is all class.