Wednesday, April 6, 2011

And this is a website!

So, New Jovian Thunderbolt has a post up about how most gun shops seem to be stuck in the stone age with their websites.

Well timed, considering I was just talking about this subject with my roommate a couple days ago.  For example, my favorite local 'chain' of stores is Impact Guns.  Great store, good prices, great service, and (mostly) knowledgeable staff.  Their website, however, is just atrocious.  I haven't heard of any security concerns regarding payments with them, thank goodness.
But still, considering how integral to success online business can be, I think it should be non-issue to choose to invest in a proper, non-confusing website, and develop the means to update inventory in a simplistic manner.  When you don't, your just letting even more potential customers become estranged to you.

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