Friday, March 4, 2022

You can't save Star Trek because it's dead, Jim.

...but you might be able to get revenge! Just found out that there's a petition on to ensure any work of Kurtsman's is removed from canon. 

Designate Kurtzman Trek as Non-Canon

There's not a lot of people I have a genuine hatred for. Communist and Socialist leaders like Pol Pot, Ho Chi Minh, Hitler, Stalin, Lenin, Xi Jinping, Che Guevara, Castro, and Mao Zedong all make the list because they actively tried to hurt humanity. So then why not hold those responsible for killing Star Trek, a show made to help people make the future more optimistic, in the same regard?

Do I really think a petition will change anything? No, not much. But if enough people sign it, that will at least show CBS/Paramount/Viacom that they are killing any chance of making a profit with these retards at Bad Robot running the actual shows.  

Sign the petition and show those corporate heads why the jackasses writing/producing modern trek were laughed out of Hollywood hangouts. 

Hat tip to Doomcock for the pic and letting me know about the petition.

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