Saturday, June 25, 2022

UMs: Whatnot

After making all the previous posts on here from the r/unresolvedmysteries subreddit, there were some that I came across after making the different categories of posts and/or just ones that I couldn't really categorize, so, here's some assorted stories you can read while listening to the theme song cover:

Yet another theory as to the identity of DB Cooper, but it does seem pretty plausible:

The Jersey watcher was a guy terrorizing a town in the 1920s with extremely detailed letters:

A woman in Tallahassee, Florida calls the cops on a couple of well dressed man with a group of very unkempt children. Turns out there is a lot more to it than just a possible kidnapping:

The famous power substation attacks in San Jose 2013 remain unsolved despite being national news at the time:

A seemingly deaf-mute man appears out of nowhere in 1955, Czechoslovakia, after being targeted by secret services for years, his identity is unknown to this day:

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