Friday, November 12, 2021

Pepero Day

Lots of stuff going on in the world this week it seems. One thing I also neglected to mention was that yesterday was Pepero Day. Most people in the US, I would gather, have never heard of Pepero Day, and to be honest, the only reason I know about it is because of Jeannie on MXR. 

Basically, Wikipedia describes it as a South Korean holiday similar to Valentines day, but revolving around the sweet stick cookies called Pepero. Wikipedia gives an account of what started it, but I would throw that to the wind and say it was more likely to be a marketing ploy by the company itself that started it, since the tradition seemed to start the same year the product was introduced. Though, there's nothing wrong with that if people are having a great time with it. 

They came first, and I can't help but like 'em a bit better.

I like the standard chocolate and cookies and cream flavors from Pepero, but I hope no one from Korea takes offense to me preferring the original Pocky (especially the strawberry, yum-o!). I do know some Koreans who like Pocky better, so hopefully I won't be starting up more rooftop Koreans. 

Roof Korea is best Korea. Also found on a subreddit called r/roofkoreans.

On a sadder, related note, I only found out recently that two of the three men in the iconic pictures above, have likely passed away last year, some of them due to complications with the commie cough. The exception being Mr. Park (pictured at bottom).  I found out about it via the Reddit post on it and it's certainly worth a read. I especially love the comment below the post from the author about interviewing Mr. Park; when asked if he would do it again, he said “If I won’t, who will? Will you?” I love that guy already.

If you aren't familiar with the rooftop Koreans, it's an important part of recent American history, so here's a short (9 minute) documentary on it. 

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