I generally believe in treating others with respect by default, but I certainly don't believe in treating all ideologies with respect. Especially when the tenants of that ideology insist on disrespect to individuals without regard to judging them fairly. I prefer the philosophy of "by their fruits ye shall know them", so that's why I can't stand modern feminism or other 'woke' ideologies at all.
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This one's gonna induce some broken feefees |
First off, they seem to think that they need to have more "representation in media" because they have been treated unfairly and have suffered through the #metoo fiasco(which I feel has permanently hurt those who were actually abused, but that's another argument for another day). They insist on having their own movies, but then just rip off existing movies instead of coming up with their own stories. I mean, if you really believed women were smart, strong, and independent, why can't you come up with your own damn movie? Instead you straight up bastardize existing franchises like Ghostbusters, Star Wars, Star Trek, and now possibly Indiana Jones. Then, when they inevitably bomb, because they suck, you call fans of the originals misogynist or sexist (including female fans!), even after you've irreparably ruined the franchise.
Then there's the pay gap myth. Not too many years ago in my dating days, I was at the home of a female friend, with another girl I dated briefly. Somehow that damn retarded 'pay gap' study came up, and the girls I was with insisted that it was horrible that women were still being "oppressed" or "marginalized" or "unfairly treated" because it proved they were being paid less than men. I quickly brought up that the study never accounted for the fact that men tend to work significantly more hours, tend to qualify for higher level positions, as well as the fact there is already an existing law that makes paying someone less for the same amount of work in the same position based on sex is illegal! But they refused to accept my argument despite the obvious. Needless to say I don't associate with them anymore, as they seem to think I was problematic for more reasons than just that.
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Because I don't buy into your crappy "pay gap" myth. |
Even if the pay gap myth was true, I'm of the same opinion of Bill Burr on the subject. Society still expects me as as man in the event of an emergency to assist women and children first, and I'm expected to die for that if needed. So, I'll happily take my "I'm going to die first tax." since I'm also registered for the draft by law and they aren't.
Even classical feminists of the suffrage kind of annoy me in that they pissed and moaned about getting the right to vote, but refused any of the responsibilities for doing so (hence why many women did not actually want the vote). They didn't actually believe in equality, as they were not required to be a part of the draft or local volunteer fire brigades, or any other responsibility associated with the right to vote.
Fast forward to today, and now that women may soon be a part of the draft, they piss and moan about it again. Except now, they insist women be a part of combat units but then refuse to meet the basic physical requirements for those roles and wonder why they are so disrespected in the ranks. It's because you did nowhere near the amount the next man did to get the same position/posting/rank, so you don't deserve the same respect.
Needless to say, the pun is intended in the title of this post. That, and I can't help but notice a lot of behavior that results in extreme feminists 'eating their own' so to speak, that I talked about before. To wrap up here, I believe in treating others with respect regardless of color, gender, etc, but not all cultures or ideologies. Recognizing there are differences in us all is not bad and nature itself has determined dimorphisim is the best way for us to thrive. That, and if the fruit of feminism is nothing but vitriolic screaming, denying science, and peddling lies, it's not good at all.
Also, the latest Freedom Toons on the subject is amazing if you haven't seen it before.
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