Friday, April 1, 2022

I wonder if Fanta is popular in Ukraine?

For those not getting the joke here, Fanta only exists because the Coca Cola company factory in Nazi Germany was unable to make actual coke cola because of trade embargoes by the USA prevented the import of the needed syrup. Thus, the soda we know today was born in 1940 under the third reich (seriously, look it up). 

The original soda was quite different in flavor and texture from what we have now, but there has been a re-release of more true to the original flavor called Fanta Klassik (classic).  I just can't help but find it funny that they can just never live down their Nazi origins and that they always seem to be related to whatever conflict is happening, even in parodies:

Though, despite the joke here, I'm sure all their flavors are a much bigger hit in Russia as of late, since they are the ones ruled by a despot who loves to bomb holocaust memorials. Yum, tastes like dictatorship! 

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