Wednesday, April 20, 2022

The other Kirk is great, too

So last week I mentioned how there's just not a whole lot of celebrities that I'm interested in. I've already stated that even with the ones I do like, I still wouldn't want to meet most of them. I just don't get the mystique around most of 'em as they are ultimately people who are just doing a job that gets them a lot more recognition than the average person. Having said that, some have more interesting jobs than others and I really liked meeting John Eaves. 

So another person I had the chance to meet at the very same ComicCon here in SLC was Kirk Thatcher. He's probably a name that people mostly associate with a number of the Muppet movies, both directing and writing. He's also notable for being a part of ILM for a number of years as well. Me on the other hand, being a big fat trekkie, remember him best as the punk on the bus in Star Trek IV. 

I was able to attend a panel with him telling the story about how the whole thing panned out, and the story has been told before and is pretty well known. But hearing it from his mouth was especially entertaining as you'd expect and he also had a great Leonard Nimoy impression that was worth the admission alone. All in all, a great time had by all. 

I also know I posted this video here before, but eh, why not?

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