Thursday, August 11, 2022

Farr's Ice Cream

One of the greatest unofficial traditions I know of among everyone I know who are Mormons is to go get ice cream after going to the temple. In the city of Ogden, UT, the famous and long lasting Farr's Ice Cream shop is the go to for those in the area, as it's just opposite of the northwestern corner of the temple there. They are certainly a step up from a lot of ice cream places, not just because they are local, but because they have some excellent flavors I have never seen before, my favorite being the lime ricky sherbet. 

Pics taken form the Farr company site.

The company recently celebrated their 100 year anniversary back in 2020, and they have a far more well documented and detailed history than most companies, but it's so extensive, I don't think I'll even try so summarize it here, but rather refer you to the detailed write up they have on their own site about it.

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