Monday, May 16, 2022

Skinwalker Ranch

One of the entrances to the ranch taken from the Wiki page.

I remember that when I was a kid in southern Utah, the Skinwalker Ranch was a hot topic back in the day for a while. Supposedly, there was talk of all sorts of supernatural occurrences on the property, and with the internet in it's infancy, there wasn't much to verify it all. 

So after having the time and info to research it all, I was pretty disappointed with the real story out there compared with the rumors of the day. In reality, it seems it was mostly all a fever dream of a man that was suckered into buying the property after being told a number of tall tales by the old caretaker of the place. The previous owner had set up numerous cameras and sensors to investigate the alleged activity for years with nary a second of suspicious footage. There were even several TV specials filmed there, but they all seemed to be that new history and discovery channel style trash that just isn't interesting to even watch and I can guarantee that they all end with everybody leaving empty handed. 

However, the website for all of the paranormal investigations is still up, and you can see it here: It seems that after all that investigating turned up a whole lot of nothing, the new owners are seeking to market is as a filming location of some kind. 

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