Saturday, May 21, 2022

UMs: Unexplained Events part 2

Here we are again on another Saturday with all sorts of tales documenting various weirdness. So strap in and sound the theme tune and get to reading:

The Circleville letters are still unsolved, though, in my opinion, Karen Freshour, and her husband, Paul are responsible, and possibly others connected to them. The question is: how many were actually involved?

The Belgian UFO wave is one that is tough to explain as the stories and descriptions are all very consistent and detailed with many credible witnesses:

The Boston Art Heist of 1990, also called the Gardner Art Heist. The real crime here seems to be gross levels of incompetence at both the museum and the FBI, but what else is new?

Several people are harassed on their cell phones and are also possibly being watched/stalked in the town of Fircrest, WA in 2007:

A mysterious illness called Havana Syndrome is affecting multiple american diplomats in Cuba without explanation. What isn't mentioned here is that the government has recently ruled out any technological device as the cause in their ongoing investigation:

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