Saturday, May 28, 2022

UMs: Unusual Crimes

It's that same time again for more of the weekly dose of mysterious mysteries. So put on the famous theme song in it's best guise and read about the tales below of some weird/odd, or just plain unusual crimes:

Despite plenty of video evidence of the crime, no one can identify the UK man who pushed a woman in front of an oncoming bus and killed her, seemingly without reason:

I may have mentioned the Max Headroom incident before, but despite the statute of limitations having passed, there are still no suspects and no one admitting to the crime:

LAX has had a rash of reports from pilots on approach that there is a lone man with a jetpack intruding into the airspace:

What's the frequency Kenneth? A seemingly random assault in NYC is still unsolved. There's also an excellent video to go with the article:

A woman escapes being abducted by a long-haul trucker, and helps police arrest the suspect. Upon further investigation, enough is found to ask, is this a previously unknown serial killer?

L. W. Wright is a man who seemed to be a up an coming NASCAR driver, but skipped town with a bunch of stolen goods and bad checks:

22 year old Ukrainian woman poses as an 11 year old child and is inadvertently adopted by a Canadian family. Hijinks ensue:

Haunted houses/attractions are a common thing in many places, but the McKamey Manor in Tennessee, is accused of being far more than just an amusement:

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