Saturday, May 14, 2022

Thank you, Breda

For years I have been insulted, disrespected and called names and all sorts of labels for insisting that transgenders are suffering from a mental illness and that they are not the gender that they cosplay to be. Despite not holding any ill will to any trans people for being such, some of that drama has played out here on this blog.  

Anyways, I'm pretty sure I've mentioned the Squirrel Report here a couple times before, it featuring several of my favorite former gun-bloggers hosting a podcast. I was watching #448 recently, and one of my personal heroes, Breda, hit it out of the park on the recent "trans" community issues as of late with this quote of the decade:

"It's a mental illness. Honestly, I have seen in the gun blog community certain trans people think they have PMS. No you don't honey! Everybody wants to be so nice, oh well, you know, so and so thinks they are a woman, so we have to be nice. You know what, that is to our detriment! At a certain point, you have to like draw a line and say y'all are crazy and get fucked! Stop humoring people when they are acting crazy!"

As I've said before, you can live your life how you like, as long as you aren't making it my business, but if you are making it my business don't get surprised when I call a duck a duck when I say that transgenderism is blatantly a serious mental illness, and I say it with friends who are trans who tell me the same damn thing. 

Full episode for context:

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