Friday, December 10, 2021

Holiday Cheer

There are not only an endless sea of adaptions of Charles Dickens' a Christmas Carol, but a good majority of them, I would think are all pretty good.  However one stands out as being unforgettable in my family's mind and that is the one from 1984 with George C. Scott playing the famous Mr. Scrooge. 

Unfortunately, it doesn't appear to be one of the more remembered versions by the public at large, and is kind of hard to come by. If you have an Amazon Prime subscription and pay for the paramount + package, it's available there, but for the unwashed masses, the only place I could find it for free was at tubi (with commercials, of course. Ugh.)

It ain't perfect, but George C Scott is worth the watch for anything he is in. I mean, with a reputation of The Changeling, Dr. Strangelove, and The Rescuers Down Under he can do no wrong. 

On the opposite side of the spectrum, how in the hell does Tig Notaro have a career in show biz? That woman is supposedly a comedian and I sat through over an hour long special without laughing once. Wish I could get that time back, as it wasn't even entertaining in any other way either. 

Of course, it figures that she would be a big fixture on STD, because that franchise isn't entertaining anymore either, and hiring talentless dolts is their specialty. Heaven forbid that franchise mean anything fun or interesting to anyone anymore. 

UPDATE: Totally forgot to mention George is most famous for his portrayal in Patton as well! Silly me. 

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