Monday, December 13, 2021

The triumph of man over evil

I may have written about the Christmas truce of 1914 on here before, but I don't know if I've written about the movie made about it that has quickly become a tradition in our house to watch it every year.  

Joyeux Noël is a french made film from 2005 that compiles some of the traditional stories from the 1914 truce. It's exceptionally well made, and perfectly encapsulates the triumph of humanity and kindness in the face of a pointless war. I would highly recommend it to any one who wants an actually good Christmas movie when wading through the drecks of hallmark-level fodder that is spewed out this time of yer. 

As far as I can tell, there are no places to officially watch it for free, but most places that do stream it, only change about $4 for it, so I would say it's worth every penny. 

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