Wednesday, January 19, 2022

It's tin foil hat time!

If you allow for indulging me for just a post here, I have mentioned before that I do love the old Unsolved Mysteries show back in the day, and am greatly intrigued by most of the stories presented on it. Even though the show isn't quite the same today, my replacement has been the Unresolved Mysteries subreddit to fill the void. 

So, without getting into conspiracy theory territory, nowadays we do have some pretty crazy unsolved cases that can be pretty unsettling. So strap yourself in, put on the actually good metal cover of the UM theme in the background:

You listening to it? Okay, now you're ready to read/watch the following:

The 2001 Anthrax mail attacks are still officially unsolved and have never been taken to court.

There is still no motive or details as to why the Las Vegas shooter attacked:

The results of the FBI's raid/search on Epstein's island has never been made public or accounted for:

Authorities still don't know why the 9/11 hijackers had numerous meetings in Las Vegas before the attack or what was discussed:

No one outside of the top levels of Scientology is 100% sure Shelly Miscavige is still alive or dead.

Freaked out yet? Okay then, you may resume your normal day-to-day activities.

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