Friday, January 7, 2022

One day in time

 I tend to feel that I don't have whole lot of luck or a whole lot of things in my life to be proud of, but that all changed on this day, five years ago. On that wonderful day, my wife and I started the grand adventure of marriage. Everyone that knew us for a long time all seemed to have expressed the word "finally!" in response to our engagement, which I thought was pretty amusing. 

We had the most wonderful of ceremonies and we were told by many people and agree ourselves that we had the best nerdy wedding reception ever.  Pictures with Han Solo and Leia Organa, every gaming system known to man, plenty of rock banging from the speakers, we walked in under a sea of people holding lightsabers, and danced to music from Star Trek. All in all, we had a grand 'ol time. 

I have already posted on here a number of compliments given to me by my wife, and I feel I constantly have to live up to them. As I said before, there aren't a lot of moments in my life where I was super proud of myself, but when I was living with my roommates before being married, my wife was with me when I stopped by my room to pick up something (I don't remember what), and after coming back later, my roommates asked, "dude, was that your girlfriend?", and I responded in the affirmative, to which he replied, "she is gorgeous." and I had to just respond with a "yeah, I know".

She is not only gorgeous on the outside, but is so wonderfully heartwarming, supportive, caring, and generous.  I love her with all my heart.  I hope to be with her another five years with a zero tacked on to the end of that. It has been absolutely wonderful to have her in my life and I hope I have brought her as much happiness as she has brought me. I plan to do all I can to continue to try to respect, support, help, love, and appreciate her the rest of our lives and beyond. Happy anniversary my darling!

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