Again, this where I have to yell at everyone supposedly on my side. It's understandable that people who know nothing about guns or movie productions will spit out nonsensical crap that should be blatantly ignored. But I'm astounded at the amount of pro-gun and other people who should know better who are spouting retardation about the Alec Baldwin accidental shooting/death is utterly astounding. I can't help but point out the obvious to everyone because they aint thinking with their freaking brains.
I'm not even a huge fan of Alec Baldwin. Yes he's a self-absorbed, blue pilled, die hard lefty actor who doesn't think either, but I still enjoy a few of his films. In a majority of all possible circumstances, it's not his fault that this shooting happened at all. Granted, not all the specifics about the situation are known, but working on the assumption it wasn't a blatant murder, and that it was an on-set accident, it's highly likely to not be his fault, full stop.
So far there are two big arguments people are throwing out there as to why it happened and/or why he is responsible, but both are just dumb.
"It's Baldwin's fault! He should know about guns!" This. This is what you look like. |
"He should have known/been taught/followed the four (Cooper's) rules of firearms" No, this is just moronic. The very nature of how firearms are used on sets for filming completely violates all the four rules on a regular basis. In film productions you are SUPPOSED to be pointing guns and shooting blanks at other actors, at the camera with the people behind it, at flimsy sets/props with people behind them, with fingers on triggers for scenes of tension all the freaking time. The four rules would never be able to be adhered to on set with cameras rolling, and to an extent, never should be. That, and what the hell would keeping his finger off the trigger till ready to shoot help at all, if he was supposed to be pointing or shooting the gun at the camera for the scene?
"But it's still his fault it happened, even if he didn't mean to hurt anyone because he should be familiar with firearms before he used them" Shut the hell up. No. Again, it's not his fault at all, full stop. It's not his job to be familiar with firearms at all, it's his job to act. Yes, it would be good for him to have familiarity with firearms and practiced caution, but it likely still would not prevent the shooting, and he's not obligated to be responsible for all the props on set. Most actors are not and shouldn't be expected to be familiar, as there are people on set who are there to do just that.
Hence, movie productions that get prop, blank firing, and real guns also hire propmasters/safety consultants specifically to assist with on-set firearms, safety, and instruction. Usually from the same company providing the firearms/props to be used. They will provide safety briefings and instructions on set to all who are interacting with the guns, as well as coordinate who can access them, and when it is safe to be firing blanks or performing other actions with them. This also involves a huge amount of insurance to cover these exact type of situations/accidents that have happened before (Brandon Lee). The director and his staff are supposed to be constantly consulting with them and deferring to propmasters when firearms are on set to know the safety risks, and status of them at all times before filming. The many unions/guilds involved in film-making also have strict policies for following those procedures.
Nobody blamed the actor who killed Brandon Lee under extremely similar circumstances. |
Again, all this is dependent on the circumstances of what is going on at that moment, but from what little details we have of the incident, it seems there was gross incompetence on the part of the director, assistant director, possibly the propmaster, and even other actors before the accident. However, time will tell as we get more details and the full picture on the circumstances, so I could end up totally wrong as well.
Yes, I agree that people in general should take more responsibility in knowing more about firearms, but it's still not an actor's job or responsibility to do so on set, and they are provided safety instruction on set every time they are used. If they are working under the instructions/supervision of someone else responsible for their safety, it's THAT person's fault when something goes wrong. It's nice when actors DO take the time to be very knowledgeable, Keanu Reeves and Will Smith being great examples, but I don't expect it of them.
It's akin to somebody who knows nothing about cars, who works in accounting or something, goes to one of those super car driving courses at a racetrack. If the instructors, mechanics, or owners of that course/class do something negligent, but the accountant doing all the driving does all he is instructed to do, how it is his fault if an accident happens, unless he intentionally causes it?
The last thing I see is a bunch of assholes (and I don't use the word lightly) on the right side of the political spectrum and other pro-gun people rejoicing in the irony of a big anti-gun advocate being involved in a gun related death (looking at you libertarian and pro-gun subreddits!). You're all far bigger pieces of shit than Alec if you are rejoicing in something that resulted in the death of an innocent woman, so go screw yourselves, too.

I feel bad for Alec, as he does (understandably) seem pretty dang distraught about the whole situation and is getting dogpiled on for something that is (in all likelihood) nothing more than a horrible accident he had no ability to prevent. I don't care if he thinks he's better than me, if he hates my politics, hates gunowners, or even if he hated me personally. I still wouldn't wish that to happen to anyone with even a shred of humanity to them. Only monsters like Pol Pot or something who forfeit the right to be people, deserve that or something worse. Because screw that effing guy with a rusty metal pineapple covered in lemon juice.
UPDATE: Just to clarify as it may not have been spelled out here, I'm not above making jokes about the situation, or recognizing the irony here, as I don't really like Mr. Baldwin either. I just think people are being stupid as to the why it happened without all the facts, and the people saying they are glad it happened to him are complete jerks.