Tuesday, October 19, 2021

Bullet strikes the helmet's head

 What was actually going on in Jim Morrison's head during his musical career is likely to remain a mystery wrapped in an enigma (the heavy drug use helping with that). Jim also really loved to mislead, obfuscate, and outright lie about his childhood and upbringing to all who inquired. Obviously, this was the result of a strained relationship with his family. So because of that, I never really knew much about his family and upbringing until Ward Carroll put up a video about it just the other day. 

Jim and his dad on the bridge of the USS Bon Homme Richard. Pic taken from the wiki article.

I'm sure I've heard who his family is some time ago in passing, but never really read into it. The video is really interesting stuff, and I had no idea how critical Jim's Dad was to the intervention in Vietnam.  It is also funny to hear his Dad's opinion on Jim's choice of going into music. I have to say, Jim would likely have lived a much more decent and longer life had he done so, but then we wouldn't get such good music

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