Recently, Sony announced a new Ghostbusters collection that would include the first, second, and Afterlife movies, and predictably, Paul Fieg started crying on social media about his 2016 "Ghostbusters" movie not being included in it. Some people and news outlets have actually defended him in his actions but I would have to very disrespectfully disagree with supporting him. Normally, I might agree that perhaps he needs some consideration, but I'm in the camp that agrees he's a whiny little moron for the following reasons. He has:
1. Admitted he made the movie because he was begged to and or was forced to do so by the studio, and admits it was just crapped out, then tries to defend it at every turn. Dude, you had enough clout at the time to get a job somewhere else, you fool.
2 He also admits to being given complete creative control over the film and script, and decided to do a shitty remake/reboot instead of an original story (or one that builds on the original universe), so no sympathy there.
3. He then insults the original fan-base for not liking his idea of remaking a beloved classic with only mediocre talent and writing, and resorts to calling fans racist, sexist, man-babies after the film is released.
4. He then also defended the movie as empowering to women, which I would argue that it's not empowering if you have to steal the entire story/formula of the first movie, while mocking/putting down all the men your film, but what do I know?
5. He also insults the fans by making every male in his movie either an idiot, evil, ignorant or mean, and includes some of the original Ghosbusters actors in that mess. Don't you DARE tell me Bill Murray that doesn't have what it takes to be a Ghostbuster.
6. Speaking of insulting fans and the original cast, he was the prick that used his leverage with Sony to threaten to sue the original cast if they didn't make a cameo just to insult them in his movie! Fieg was also subsequently escorted off the Sony lot for his toxic bullcrap.
7. Now, he gets pissed off for not being included in this GB collection when he himself said he doesn't want it to be associated with the original universe, then pisses off fans again when he insults them for pointing this out.
If this guy had just kept his mouth shut, he would not have been hounded and mocked by fans anywhere near as much as he is today. He's the one who continues to pipe up and whine or insult people to continue the flame war. Pretty sure if you're going on twitter to whine about GB fans when you threatened to sue while admitting your movie sucks, YOU are the man-baby.
Coming from a guy who insults fans who make cars and proton packs to not only celebrate their fandom, but also help many charities and children along the way. Proud to be an asshole in that case. |
Yup |
UPDATE: I wrote this post on the 28th and was planning on posting later, then it turns out that Doomcock beat me to the punch with a video from his stream (I know the stream happens a while before the video is posted, but I don't generally watch the streams on his channel. Sorry, Doomcock) Link to the video here: